Sunday, September 30, 2012


As before i updated about the feeling of being paranoid.  Paranoid paranoid paranoid. Its not a good feeling as it might harm your relationship.  

Well people make mistakes and they deserve to get a chance to be better. Correct all the wrongness. 

Alhamdullilah from started i knew him, kami tak pernah gaduh.  Always respect each other. What ever conflicts yang datang sekarang, we try to fight it together. Lelaki perlukan seorang wanita yang tahu menghormati mereka then baru mereka akan menghormati kita. Betul ke? Ok fine, cuba tengok parents kita. 

We went through so many obstacles because of previous history.  Honestly i really don't care about that.  Just as a girl and a woman to be. I can't avoid from feel jealous. 

Day by day, you are here to always confine me that im the only girl that you want.  No more third person between our relations. 

But then, a guy pula dari Maybank datang nak kenal-kenal.  He got all the information about me from the customer's data. I do admit, he actually quit handsome, well as a pegawai bank la katakan.

But love can't be measures trough money, personality or what so ever blar blar blar.. Sometimes people asking, why you want him why you want her? Why and why? Kan. Cuma antara 2 perasaan yang tahu kenapa.

Da .. Nak pergi mandi ..

p/s : rindu syazwan .. 


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Akira Ryuhanna said...

nama dia syazwan jugak???? atoiyaiii...sama lah pulak...hihihihi *senyum2 mcm kerang busuk*

Akira Ryuhanna said...

nama dia syazwan jugak???? atoiyaiii...sama lah pulak...hihihihi *senyum2 mcm kerang busuk*

Liyliz said...

ye ke ? great, jaga lok2 syazwan tau