Thursday, January 26, 2012

When you and i fall in love

Teenagers always fantasy and promise of living happily depends on our falling in love and getting married. So we all spend a lot of time, energy and money searching for that special someone. But now im already found that special someone. He is my friend and now become my special boyfriend. Insyallah if there is no any barrier, kami akan bertunang dan paling-paling awal pun after aku habis kan diploma.

Once we have a partner, we also discover that the search was the easy part kan? But the hard part is to sustaining that relationship over the years. Before this i had an experieced for 1 year couple then broke up because we found that we were not suit to each other. Actually it is really hurt and hard for me to accept it but if he is not mine maybe he is yours kan?

When you find yourself falling in love and comminting yourself to someone very special, recognize that commitment can take many forms during the life of your relationship.

Falling in love may be forever, it may even be completely. But commitment to forever may require that you adapt to changing times, situations and circumstances.

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